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  1. As I have gotten older my style def has evolved for the life I live. Work is a major part of my life so I am comfortable converting work pieces into my weekend and going out clothing. It is also cost effective. It makes me look conservative which I am ok with because the older I get and grow in my career that is how I feel. My style is reflective of my life which I love so why change it for “what is in”!

    1. Very true, Ashley! It’s difficult, at times, to blend your work wear with your leisure wear. Like you, most of my clothes have been convertible pieces but now I’m trying to branch out a bit more. I’m starting to feel a little like Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (all business during the week and ready to play on the weekend…ha). P.S. I know for a fact that your leisure wear is super cute so I know you must look awesome at work, too. 😉

  2. I love this outfit and I totally agree with you on how your style changes through the year. They say your taste buds change every 7 years, and I think style does too! It’s also interesting to look back at your different “phases” in fashion.

    1. You’re right, Sahily! It is funny to look back at your “fashion phases.” I remember a time where I was really into iridescent lipgloss. So glad that passed. Lol!

  3. I totally agree. One’s style should always be true to one’s personality, especially when the latest trend which totally may not speak to you or be about you.

  4. I totally agree. One’s style should always be true to one’s personality and the latest trend which totally may not speak to you or be about you.

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